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Marcela (English)

-"Costa Rica?" - he said with such a  light "r" that if it wasn't because of the "i" the wind would have taken it away. -"Yes, Costa Rica"- I replied.

His look seemed to get lost at times, but I didn't pay much attention, after all, I was busier trying to hold on to the car, for we were five in a broken taxi driven by a beast. 

-"Costa Rica?" - he repeated, as if we had not been in silence for an instant that became an eternity to me. -"That is near Argentina, right?' - he added without hesitation. -"No, no, not at all. It is pretty far away"-. This time I clearly noticed how his gaze got lost even further away from the horizon. It went and came, and even though his face was wrinkled with sadness, I could still glimpse a smile on him.

Silence overtook us.

-"Once I had one thousand euros. I was ready to go to Argentina. Ah! Marcela! Marcela!"- He interrupted silence with such euphoria, that even the taxi driver tried to guess, ignoring our language, the reason for so much distress through his gestures. -"Marcela was the perfect woman, but I have been an idiot. I stayed here, bundled, lonely, and fighting for causes that don't belong to me.-". At that point he showed his front teeth and inhaled air producing a sound similar to that of frying something on a hot pan. -"And here we are, battling the ones against the others, all of us trying to be the biggest, the most glorious, the best. We are all a bunch of idiots."- I was feeling uncomfortable  and even though I considered he was right, I couldn't find what to say.  

- We stayed in touch  - he added after a brief pause - but she is married now, and has a family. 

- Well, but it must be worth to visit Argentina, it is never too late.

- Yes I know, but I am old now.

I didn't want to guess his age, for I knew his wrinkles were from sadness and winters rather than the twists of time. Maybe those were not even lines but pleats of rakia.

- I get off here. Have a nice day.

-Same for you. Sorry, what was your name?

He shouted his name but I couldn't hear it. I saw him  far-off, through the windscreen, from where thick drops fell stuffed with sighs and squashed with glints. He waked away crooked, like worn out from so much sorrow.

I sought a place to spend that night, feeling I knew Marcela intimately, without knowing the name of that old lovelorn who introduced her to me.

Pedro Acevedo.


  1. Esa es Piedro... Mae el de Marcela lo tuve que leer como 4 veces para leerlo (Y en español!!!)) jeje yo mas lelo

    Que loco ese de los encuentros bizarricos, solo cuando uno anda con buena vibra y buen aura se le presentan esas situaciones.

    Tenemos q viajar juntos loco!!!


  2. Que me dice Jimmex!!! Pura vida viejox... si de fijo tenemos que mandarnos a dedo... que tal un tour por costa rica? Yo casi no conozco, manda la parada verdad? Saludos!


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El Rostro

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Cinco Segundos

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